
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Oh, My Goodness, Planet Earth is Back!

It's been ten years, but BBC's Planet Earth nature series is finally back!  YES!  This is so exciting! Planet Earth II is premiering on BBC now, and the video footage from it is beyond incredible.  It's a really nice break from everything that is usually on television, and its episodes transport viewers to some of the world's most fascinating island, jungle, mountain, grassland, desert, and city (yes, city!) habitats.  (And there's apparently even footage of a swimming sloth.)
If you're just as enthusiastic about this news as I am, then please please please take a mental health break to watch BBC's official extended trailer.   Looking at cute animals increases productivity, and we could all use a little more nature in our lives, right?
Happy Planet Earth-ing!

<3 Frances

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